
Natural Science in our Garden Classroom

The teachers and parents at Summit Montessori are proud of our Children’s Garden Classroom. Our garden project sprouted in the spring of 2011 when we transformed a deserted, weedy parking lot into a beautiful garden space. We offer our students a working perennial, vegetable, and fruit garden. Our lesson plans incorporate the natural sciences, mathematics, language, practical life, and visual art.

ASL American Sign Language Program

At Summit Montessori we understand the importance of teaching children sign language at a young age. We offer a weekly program which uses music, movement, and communication to teach children ASL.

Visual Art

Summit Montessori offers a comprehensive curriculum exploring the visual arts through the elements of design. Art lessons are always part of the daily offering in the Montessori classroom. Each year the children work in a wide range of media including drawing, painting, collage, ceramics, sculpture, mosaic, and printmaking.

Physical Education

Throughout the school year, the children at Summit Montessori are involved in a variety of Physical Education activities. These include morning movement circles, yoga practice, swimming classes at the YMCA, ice skating, gymnastics and regularly scheduled outdoor PE sessions.

Before and After School Program

Our after school program gives children a chance to relax and enjoy their friends after school. During this time the children play, sing, dance and create crafts together. Facilitators offer regular discovery themes, giving them opportunities to dig deeper into projects which interest them.

Summer Arts and Adventure Program

This annual program offers children in-depth experiences in the fine arts, natural sciences, swimming, and adventures in Montana’s great outdoors. Sessions begin at the close of school each June and typically run for six weeks. Full and weekly enrollment are available.

Parent and Family Events

Each year Summit Montessori parents and families are invited to a variety of holiday, musical, and cultural celebrations, Montessori Math and Language nights, High Tea, and our Spring Garden Party.